Publikacja w numerze Rok XXI (2015), nr 45
Autor Ewa Nidecka
Religious works of Wojciech Kilar. Contemplation and artistic fulfillment
Wojciech Kilar (1932–2013) is an outstanding composer in Polish music in the second half of the XXth and next century. His work is divided into three phases. The last one began since 1974 and developed along two parallel lines: neofolklorism and national-religious trend. Especially in national-religious trend Wojciech Kilar expressed his own religious attitude and spiritual values. In this area he saw the deepest meaning of his life and artistic fulfillment. National-religious trend is a predominant feature of his last phase. To the most important religious works of this period belong: Exodus, Angelus, Missa pro pace, Hymn Pas- chalny. The composer derived form the texts of psalms, historical lament songs and litur- gical texts. He referred to the music of the Middle Ages using modal harmonic, organum and polyphonic technique. Love for God and Love for man was for him the highest values. To the features of the matures Kilar’s style belong: reduction of the sound material, repea- tably of music phrases, meditative nature of musical narrative and processual development of musical tension based on the principle of textural crescendo.
Key words: Wojciech Kilar, Polish composers, religious music, national-religious trend, liturgical texts, missa, modal harmonic.