Ryt oczyszczenia, celebrowanie Paschy i święta Namiotów w ujęciu proroka Ezechiela (Ez 45,18-25)

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 455 - 484

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXV (2019) nr 54

Autor Andrzej Sebastian Jasiński (INT Opole)


The rite of purification,celebration of the Passover and the Feast of Boothsin the view of the prophet Ezekiel (Ezek 45:18-25)


Ezekiel was the prophet who proclaimed the judgment of God over Israel and over the nations (Ezek 1–32), he also announced the renewal of the people of Yahweh and his land (Ezek 33–44). In the new environment of Israel there will be celebrated: the rite of purification (Ezek 45:18-20),the Passover and the Feast of Booths (Ezek 45:21-25), so Ezekiel refers to the tradition of the First Tem- ple period. His account of these events was fully adapted to the new conditions, to the period of re- newal of the nation and the land after the return of the people to the land of their ancestors.

Prophet Ezekiel knows the traditions the of celebrating of the Feasts, he mentions them only in the context of the announcement of the New Temple law (Ezek 45:; 46:11). They will be Feasts, marking the rhythm of the life of all Israel, centred around the temple and the glory of Yahweh (remaining in the temple).

Keywords: prophet Ezekiel, the rite of purification, priest, prince, Passover, Feast of Booths.