Procesje eucharystyczne w ujęciu prawa kanonicznego

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 173 - 187

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXIV (2018) nr 51

Autor Jerzy Adamczyk


Eucharistic Processions in the Light of the Canon Law

Eucharistic processions carried out outside the Church are the public testimonies to honour the Holy Eucharist. The paper analyses the issue of an Eucharistic procession in the light of the Canon Law. The study successively presents the following issues: Eucharistic processions as a manifestation of the public testimony to the Holy Eucharist, the course of the procession and its organization, and the role of the diocesan Bishop in the conduct and organization of the Eucharistic processions.

Key words: Procession, Diocesan Bishop, Church, Eucharist, Devotion.