Pierwszy kodeks autora proweniencji polskiej. Przyczynek do dalszych badań nad obecnością kodeksów kantorskich na ziemiach polskich

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 417 - 426

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXI (2015) nr 46

Autor Piotr Szukiel


This presented liturgical book is a part of the collection of liturgical codices founded by Primate Jan Łaski for the collegiate church in his family town of Łask on the occasion of the foundation of the church in 1525. The codex, together with other books was to serv the canons to celebrate the liturgy of the Mass and divine office.The Primate had ordered thes books in Cracow in c. 1516, they was ready in 1520, and paid off in 1523. Cantatorium was the special codex for a solist-cantor. He collected only music incipists of the liturgical text or solist parts special for cantor (for example: Alleliua). The discovered codex is a first known mediewal cantatory in medieval Poland. This codex is proobaly one of the last links in the chain of European codices which were produced for the chanter.

Key words: canatatory, cantor, liturgical chant, liturgical books.