Paradygmat znaku i symbolu w celebracji liturgicznej

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 291 - 304

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXI (2015) nr 46

Autor Piotr Kulbacki


Paradigm of sign and symbol in the liturgical celebration

The article refers to the historical and social role of the sign and symbol as well as their comprehension not only in contemporary culture but also in nature and deductive sciences. In ancient and medieval times the Christian thought revealed the theme of both sign and symbol due to their crucial role in understanding the sacrament. The development of interest in symbol in contemporary humanities displayed its influence in theology. Symbol can be defined on the basis of personality as the tool for meeting free people. This also applies to the meeting of a free man with a sovereign God. The symbol available for the human senses in theology is recognized as the sign that introduces a man into the symbolized reality, especially to the supernatural one.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church indicating the important role of signs and symbols in liturgy avoids their precise definition and distinction using both terms simultaneously. The symbol has a significant role within the meaning of the sacramental participation in the liturgy of heaven. Deepening the understanding of the meaning of both signs and symbols is important in pedagogy of liturgical formation as the permanent mystagogy and also in liturgical theology.

Key words: sign, symbol, liturgy, sacrament, person, personalism, personal meeting.