Organy w kościele parafialnym pod wezwaniem św. Mikołaja biskupa w Dzielowie

The organs in St. Nicolaus Parish Church in Dzielów

Treść artykułu: Pobierz | Czytaj

Strona: 201 - 212

Publikacja w numerze Rok XXI (2015), nr 45

Autor Grzegorz Poźniak


The article focuses on the pipe organ in St. Nicolaus Parish Church in Dzielów (germ. Eiglau). The instrument was built by Agnieszka Biernacka-Grandys. She continued the tra- ditions of the organ builders family Biernacki. Agnieszka Biernacka-Grandys took over the organ factory from her brother. The article describes and characterizes the instrument from the parish church in Dzielów and also presents records from the parish chronicle that come from the time of the organs building. The important part of the article is the presentation of the history of Biernacki Factory’s three generations.

Key words: history of the organs, Silesian organs, church music, Polish organs factory.